Inspirational Videos

Meet the people who help make the Great Rivers & Routes region in southwest Illinois vibrant and strong.

Through the power of video, representatives of regional businesses and attractions share messages of hope and resiliency during the COVID-19 crisis. Enjoy these messages and when the time is right, come and meet these passionate people and see everything the Great Rivers & Routes region has to offer.

Springtime Things to Do in Southwest Illinois

Spring is finally here and nature is alive at last! Blades of luscious green grass are dancing across the landscape.

Spend Summer in Southwest Illinois

Get away to the Great Rivers & Routes region in southwest Illinois!

Why Alton is America’s Most Haunted Small Town

It was a dark and stormy night ... well, maybe not so stormy but definitely dark ... as a group of fellow ghost hunting travelers walked through the Mississippi River town of…

Your Guide to Unique Holiday Gifts in Great Rivers & Routes

Celebrate the spirit of the holidays throughout the year with the gift of unique local experiences.