Tourism Master Plan

In August of 2023, Great Rivers & Routes began development of a Tourism Master Plan. Please bookmark this page for ongoing updates on the process and its outcomes.

Why Create a Tourism Master Plan?

Annual Tourism Summit

The annual Great Rivers & Routes Tourism Bureau Summit is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 8 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Gateway Convention Center in Collinsville.

In addition to the full programming and lunch, we'll be asking attendees to chime in on elements of the Draft Tourism Master Plan.

Current State Analysis Report

Whereabout, our consulting partner in crafting the Tourism Master Plan, has compiled a Current State Analysis Report. This report shares global and local trends in travel and tourism, then shared eleven key themes for this region to consider as it crafts its Master Plan. The Report was formed by an industry survey, visitor survey, interviews with key partners, and an in-market destination assessment.

Current State Analysis Report

Tourism Master Plan Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Tourism Master Plan?

A tourism master plan is a document that sets a long-term vision for a destination and describes a series of strategies that the region will undertake over ten years to make that future a reality. These strategies are accompanied by measurable indicators that provide accountability for the outcomes and allow the destination to course-correct if the strategies aren’t as successful as hoped.

Why do we need a Tourism Master Plan?

Attracting visitors is a very competitive business, and we want to ensure the vitality of our communities in the long-run. A Tourism Master Plan will help us be prepared for emerging trends in tourism, adapt to the priorities of younger generations, enable a more resilient visitor economy, and help us focus our resources in the most proactive, responsible way.

Who is doing the planning?

We’ve formed a planning team that includes representatives of our community businesses and government agencies. The planning work will be facilitated by Whereabout, a destination strategy firm that has worked with dozens of destinations across the country to plan strategically for their futures. Over the next several months, the planning team will seek community input and put together a draft plan. Final approval of the plan will be the responsibility of the Board of Directors for the Great Rivers & Routes Tourism Bureau.

How can I learn more?

Please bookmark this page for updates on the planning process and to learn about opportunities to share your viewpoint. At the outset of the process, we’re launching a community survey [link] and you’re invited to participate.